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You’ve seen me teaching + promoting this class for years for 2 reasons…
1. EVERYONE needs effective tools to manage stress
Join me on OCTOBER 1st to learn how this powerful stress reducing tool can improve your life, health and wellbeing.

EFT/Tapping is a self care technique that dramatically reduces the stress response in the body, while calming the mind and restoring balance to the nervous system. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) aka “Tapping” is a powerful holistic healing technique that has been proven to effectively resolve a wide variety of issues, including stress, anxiety, phobias, emotional disorders, chronic pain, addiction, weight control, and limiting beliefs, just to name a few.

Tapping therapy is based on the combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Tapping with the fingertips on specific meridian endpoints of the body, while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations, helps to calm the nervous system and restore the body’s balance. EFT is easy to learn, can be done anytime/anywhere and has infinite applications for health and healing.
In this class you will learn:
💙 the basic tapping algorithm
💙 the basic self dialoguing formula
💙 specific examples of how/when to use eft
💙 the science behind how tapping works
💙 tips for using EFT/tapping at home
💙 much, MUCH more!

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